Two things are clear after all of this David Letterman vs. Sarah Palin hullabaloo.
First of all, David Letterman was very irresponsible with the joke in question.
What he should have said was,
"...during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by the Yankees bat boy."
We wouldn't be having this conversation today.
And the second thing that this tempest in a teapot points out is that, quite obviously, Sarah Palin thinks that the American proletariat are a bunch of gullible idiots. Todd Palin reinforced that sentiment by saying: "...these sexually-perverted comments are outside the acceptance of mainstream America."
Well, I don't watch Letterman much nowadays, since, as a member of so-called Mainstream America, I have to get up early just like most of my fellow Mainstream Americans and tend to be dozed off by 11 PM (when Letterman airs in Sacramento). However, anyone who has watched his show, oh, at least once or twice or so, can figure out that David Letterman's opening monologue has always been about this corny ol' Midwestern dude making these kooky borderline off-color jokes and like wow, dude, you just don't expect a dude that looks like that to say those things, maaaan!
Unless, of course, you've been watching him for years and years, just like, y'know, most of Mainstream America who can still keep their eyes open at that time of night.
Sarah Palin can make as many "statutory rape joke" accusations as she wants, but Mainstream America quite easily figured out that the joke was about the Palin daughter who fucked her boyfriend out of wedlock and under the age of 18, and Mainstream America also realizes that the joke's object was the Palin daughter whose Baby Daddy walked from the shotgun wedding, so, nice try but uh-uh, it's not going over.
And besides, as any of us in TV-watching Mainstream America knows, A-Rod seems to prefer older, powerful famous women, like Madonna and ladies of that type. If anything, he would have tried to scam on Governor Palin, not any of her daughters.
Enough is enough. Mr. Letterman, Governor Palin and family, assorted commentators, associates, bloggers et al:
On behalf of Mainstream America, I respectfully request that all of you shut the fuck up about this incident. Right now. No more apologies, no more accusations of perversion, no more extended analysis. We're already sick of hearing about this shit.
As a way of walking my talk, I will promise to never address the subject again. Trust me, it will be too easy.