Dear nice taggers:
Thanks for the considerate behavior. Apparently, when you were wandering about the other night, the only thing you chose to tag within the immediate vicinity of my neighborhood was this here abandoned couch. As far as I can tell, you left our homes and buildings alone. That’s like so cool of yers! If there’s something that needs to be removed from the street anyway, and you feel the urge to tag it, by all means go for it! Who could object to such a civilized brand of selective vandalism? If I’m pissed off at anybody in this scene, it’s the asshole or assholes who decided to use my local curb to dump their fuckin’ loveseat! But hey, you may have actually helped things by making the disposed furniture in question an even bigger eyesore, embarrassing the City or whoever to finally haul it away.
So anyway, if I was, like your tagger crew supervisor I’d probably hand you like, one of those lil’ cardboard happy smiley stars with your name on it and scribble in a side comment of “Way to go! Great effort!” or some shit like that. Hopefully, you’re not just warming up the ol’ paint cans for this weekend to really unleash your, erm, creative juices on my ‘hood. The week before last was enough, when those little suburban wiggers were encouraged by their asshole conservative parents to come down from Placer or Elk Grove or wherever the fuck they’re from to spray paint the shit out of our local blocks. I wouldn’t have been surprised if Mummy and Daddy dropped ‘em off in their SUVs at 3 in the morning and picked them up for Denny’s Grand Slams afterwards right after taking pictures for the family photo album. Please keep your little shits out of Midtown, or at least stop watching your TIVOd copies of Hannity & Colmes and try to keep an eye on your brats once in a while. Thanks.