Thursday, October 18, 2007


Back in the days following the JFK assassination, Phil Ochs penned a touching tribute to John F. Kennedy entitled "That Was The President." The chorus from that song can be twisted easily to describe the video below as "This is the President, and this is the man."

Three thoughts come to mind when I view this unfortunate trainwreck of a (pay for hire?) wedding video:

1. Only in America could this fucker get elected to ANY political office, much less as a Chief Executive.

2. This video is evidence that I have a longer streak of sobriety than Dubya. So, bud, you haven't been drinking since you were 40, eh? Hmm, let's check the calendar. Interestingly enough, I drank my last beer on March 5, 1992. You were born in '46, correct? That makes you, lessee, forty fuckin' SIX or so (about a couple years older than I am now) in this video. Pretty fuzzy math you're using there Georgie.

3. We have a dry drunk in the White House. Explains a LOT.