Saturday, February 02, 2008

My Fellow Democrats:

Okay. The big primary is coming up and I have to say it now.

Barack Obama would make a great U.S. President.

In 2016.

At this point in time, the United States needs an extended period of repair. After 8 years of the most hideously dissolute administration in our country’s history, we’re going to need 16 years of the other side of the political spectrum to get us back on our feet and giving hope to those of us who do all of the actual work to keep this country going.

That’s why, on February 5, I’m going to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton, and I hope that as many of you out there in the nearly 2 dozen primary states give her your support at the ballot box as well. And that goes for my fellow Americans in Samoa and all of you Democrats Abroad who’ll be voting that day.

I’m going to pull a lot of umbrage and disagreement from many of my fellow party members for my choice, not to mention the usual peanut gallery of Hillary haters and Obama bandwagon idealists who see the Senator from New York as the status quo and the Senator from Illinois as the shape of things to come. And to a certain extent, they are correct on both assertions. But the fact is that after nearly a decade of the Bush Junta we are in need of not only change, but experience with handling the usual Philistines who will try to keep Washington D.C. running under the same old pattern of corporate rented business as usual. Hillary Clinton, in my estimation, will provide a competent level of leadership and help to reverse the damage of the Gumbys who have been stinking up the program since January 20, 2001.

If Barack Obama ends up with the nomination, I will be honored as a Democrat to cast my vote for him in November. However, I think that the country would be served by 8 more years of Senator Obama and we would then see a President Obama destined for greatness and leading us into the 2020s with a great future and a destiny toward stability and opportunity for all. Let us make that happen by electing Hillary Clinton as our national leader through the greater part of the 2010s. And when that’s established, let’s get ready to send Dubya back to the dude ranch in Crawford where he belongs, roll our sleeves up and get this house back in order.