Maybe it's because the hype is (slightly) more downplayed for this particular one of the onscreen Batman offerings, largely due to the death of Heath Ledger. Well, it's less hyped as far as your average Hollywood summer money machine is concerned. Naturally, the news media is doing their part to pimp The Dark Knight and there's the usual umpteen product tie-in ads all over the place, but I don't know, there's something, like weird and missing this time around. And anyway, I haven't seen a nice mindless action and digi-wonder effects loaded vehicle lately so what the fuck, why not get my fix with this flick. I have some free passes that my good pal left me (because she can't use them where she moved to) so when the hoohah dies down and I can stretch out with at least 2 or 3 empty seats next to me I'll go check it out.
Quite a while back, I had a free movie ticket and used it to see an, ahem, epic called Eyes Wide Shut. Remember that one? Uh, yeah, not too many people wanted to when it was originally released, including the cast, studio executives, critics AND the audience. Eyes Wide Shut did receive a warmer reception from much of the critics' corner later in time (especially after an enhanced DVD release.) I, however, have retained my original sentiments toward the film in general, and feel like, yes, siree, that was one ticket that gave me the entertainment value that I paid for, so Dark Knight can't be much worse.
One problem I've always had with this whole Batman jazz: the main hero's "normal" identity never really impressed me. At least Superman, in his Clark Kent persona, was a working stiff who had to deal with Establishment pigs all the time and had to pretty much scrape and fight for what little he got in life. It was the perfect psychological balancing weight for his superhero guise. On the other hand, Bruce Wayne always struck me as some spoiled ass playboy lil' snobby fucker. If he were "local", Bruce Wayne would probably live in Granite Bay, vote Republican and be seen out in the nightlife with the trophy wife, but secretly batting for the home team. Yeah, yeah, I know, in the comic storyline he's just fronting that way and he's really a big philanthropist and shit. Yeah, sure, just like Daniel Luster was.
I know. I might be getting a little harsh and overly analytical. It's just good old fashioned All-American mindless entertainment, one of our most lucrative overseas exports.
And besides, when it comes right down to it, my idea of a true superhero is The Snoid.

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