9. The spotlight was too demanding. Now I know how Dave Chappelle felt.
8. Oh okay… that’s a good idea… speaking of comedians… I did it for CARLIN, man! Yeah, to Hell with popularity contests! That just shows that people like you, man! Fuck that shit, knowwhatumsane? If people want to find me, there's this thing called Google that works just fine! (Um, actually it brings in more visitors than the Sacramento Top 25 but I digress.)
7. There once lived a sage philosopher by the name of Julius Henry who once said “I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member.” Something like that.
6. Ringo Starr turned 68 recently. That has nothing to do with anything; I’m just trying to fill out the list.
5. Moving from the middle of the list to the top was like moving from a neighborhood of cool, trustworthy folks into a nicer neighborhood, only full of self-absorbed assholes who were only concerned with their ranking in life. So I couldn’t hang.
4. This “success” only made me appreciate the satisfaction I get out of being an obscure artist. Hey, it’s actually a good thing if people have to kind of seek you out. Van Gogh, Hasil Adkins and Mother Teresa were “nobodies” for years and it didn’t hurt any of those guys.
3. I’ve been really exhausted from my side gig as a proxy site tester and I need to lighten my responsibilities.
2. Oh shit! I just remembered! I have a link to my CaféPress store on my site! And the rules of Sacramento Top 25 clearly state, “No commercial sites”, so I’d better do the right thing and DQ myself. Sorry, kids. An oversight on my part. I’m so ashamed of myself.
And the NUMBER ONE reason…
I realized that I didn’t want to be some publicity desperate… to borrow a phrase from Morton Downey Jr., “media pig.” Think about it. What could be more pathetic than some dumb schmuck or schmucks who waste interminable amounts of energy just to create the impression that they are popular? Week after week after wasted week? Yeah, that’s a sad sack of plasma there, I’m telling ya.
So, anyway. I’m through now, and this has been such a meaningful learning experience. I’ve gained so much wisdom and valuable evidence, I mean information. You can have your lil’ site back now. Thanks.
Epilogue/Update (7/16/07): Here is my personal account of the "events" which made the Sacramento Top 25 Debacle of 2008. That's it, that's all, I'm through discussing it. Click Here, Pilgrim