Well, Pilgrim, here's an opportunity to walk your talk. Click below to pledge to stop using the "r-word".

You know what they're talking about by "the r-word". Most of you who folks are getting all hot in the crotch over Obama's remark are a wee bit on the hypocritical side.
Hey, to a certain degree, I empathize. It's hard to avoid using the "r-word" in its various derogatory forms. When I flip the channel through Fox News or chance upon Rush Limbaugh on the radio, the first thought that comes to my mind is usually, "My God! These motherfuckers are totally..." Well, I'll show an example for the public by avoiding the completion of that statement.
One thing that I would like to personally admit to: I have, in the past, used the word "retarded" in various forms which steer from the degradation of those with intellectual disabilities. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone who is, or has family or friends who are "special needs" oriented and take offense at my wording, as that was certainly not the intent (or, at the very least, who I was actually trying to offend, anyway). I do remain committed to the belief that there are creative and acceptable ways to use the word "retarded" in this fashion, and have used this method in the past. For some examples from my previous blog posts, Click Here, Pilgrim