As in, laying down drum tracks, and I know what you were thinking, you fuckin' gutterbrained pervert.
I always feel like I never record or even practice enough, even when I end up spending most of the day doing either or both. Usually it's very rewarding and personally satisfying as long as I keep at it and don't spend too many days in a row without at least picking up something and playing it, or trying to write something and/or getting a snippet on a notepad or the portable cassette recorder to work on later.
I also had to finally get off my cheap ass and drop a few dollars on a headset amplifier because the last time I moved, I shook up the old one I had or otherwise fucked it up and ended up flushing thirty five bucks down the toilet. This time I plan on keeping the original packaging although hopefully I won't have to worry about moving very soon. I've been living in 4 different apartments in the past 5 years and god damn it, I wouldn't mind being in the same place for a few years in a row for once.
I took a morning stroll over to Metro Electronics over on 19th and J to try to snag the exact same kind of lil' amp unit that I had previously. As my crazy stupid brand of luck would have it, they had exactly one of them in stock, AND for the exact same price that I had paid for the first one 4 years ago! Stoked!

Oh sure, I could have gone to one of the electronic superstore monoliths for something that may or may not have been as dependable and may or may not have cost less, but whenever possible I like to be able to support the independently owned stores right here in Midtown, and basically tell the corporate chains, by way of my wallet, to go fuck themselves. Unfortunately, I may have to replace my wimpy ass headphones with a purchase from one of those big ass chain stores, but at least we're lucky enough to have some sort of choice for certain goods and services around these here parts.
(IMPORTANT NOTE OF GUIDANCE: This post is but one in a series called THE MUNDANE MONTH OF BLOGGING™. For those of you who are scratching your head right now and saying to yourselves, "What the fuck is he trying to prove?", Click Here, Pilgrim)