Y'know, sometimes I say to myself, "I have too many hats." Then I realize that I am bald and say, "What the fuck would I think that for?"
Yeah, I guess if anybody asked me if I collect anything, I would say that hats are the closest thing to collecting something for me nowadays. I don't think I have that many right now, although I'd guess that I have about two dozen or so. I keep thinking that I am going to go out and buy some more, and extend my variety of choices past ball caps, but I haven't.

The plain black ball cap has been the style I've usually been wearing almost every day. I keep an older fucked up one for when I haven't showered yet or I'm going to be doing something that requires a bit of a sweat, and I have a newer and much cleaner one for normal wearing when my scalp is clean. I don't wear too many team caps anymore, but my neighbor gave me a Red Sox cap that he passed along from someone else.

I do have one hat that I like to wear frequently that isn't a ballcap style and that's a fairly old but durable Pendleton that I bought at the old Joe Sun store on K Street. I like wearing it when I want to be casual but a bit neater in appearance. In wet weather, I sometimes will put on this kinda goofy looking fishing style brim hat that I like to pull down low like that dude who used to be in that band with the chick who played Edith Bunker's niece in All In the Family.

I don't have too many formal hats, but I do have a top hat that ended up in this kooky music video I made once, and I also like to kick it occasionally in my Royal Stetson (pictured in the upper right corner of my blog page). But I also have a kind of outlaw lookin' leather concho that would fit right in, whether I'd be at a honky tonk or a Motorhead show.

Otherwise, I don't go out that much anyway nowadays, so hats have become less of a big deal to me. As a matter of fact, I don't think I had worn my wool watch cap for a single day last winter. Ah, well, I guess that's for the better, seeing as, especially when accompanied by a pair of shades, I look like I should be featured on Crime Alert or some shit.

(IMPORTANT NOTE OF GUIDANCE: This post is but one in a series called THE MUNDANE MONTH OF BLOGGING™. For those of you who are scratching your head right now and saying to yourselves, "What the fuck is he trying to prove?", Click Here, Pilgrim)