All these folks everywhere have been harping on and on about how lucky today is supposed to be, and all these people are going to casinos and shit. As for me, I spent the morning cleaning my apartment.

Usually I do my domestic drudge work every other Saturday, but I took today off, so I got it all over with so that I can have the following 2 1/2 days freer to do whatever I'll feel like doing. However, with the day's date the way it is, it couldn't hurt to tidy things up as the number eight, in its very visual symbolism, gives the message of renewal and infinite movement.

There's something gratifying, both psychologically and spiritually, about getting things cleaned and back in order as well. When it's done, and I'm sitting in my apartment and seeing the spotless counters, vacuumed carpet, and freshly washed sheets and clothes, I feel a lot more positive and connected with my goals and responsibilities. And one must admit that, in a crucial cycle of an infinite existence, one would rather be in that state of personal living than in a cluttered, filthy shithole.

After running my errand to the bank (where, of course, I made a transaction in the multiple of 8) I stopped by the labyrinth at the Pioneer Congregational Church (across the street from Sutter's Fort). I like to take the occasional stroll through the labyrinth there, as it really helps me to focus my mind and, in a strongly symbolic way, move from one cycle to another as our lives continue again and again in such a fashion. And what better day to do it than today, is what I figured. I've been feeling lately as if I'm entering yet another era where one door is going to close and another is going to open.
And no, wiseass, I didn't run into David Bowie at any point while I was in there.
(IMPORTANT NOTE OF GUIDANCE: This post is but one in a series called THE MUNDANE MONTH OF BLOGGING™. For those of you who are scratching your head right now and saying to yourselves, "What the fuck is he trying to prove?", Click Here, Pilgrim)