So, I crashed sort of early last night but woke up at about 4 AM with one Hell of a sore throat. Sometimes I have a snoring problem and it happens but usually those are deeper down my throat, and I usually recover shortly after I wake up, but this one hung around all day.
This is one weird ass bug I've got. It's not exactly knocking me out, fortunately. I'm still able to speak and sing, and I got through work okay, and even got on the stationary cycle for a good sweaty workout this afternoon. Maybe the changes in the weather patterns, however slight they were, fucked up my immune system just a bit. I'll just have some yogurt and hope that it will soothe my throat just enough to help me sleep tonight without any problems.

(IMPORTANT NOTE OF GUIDANCE: This post is but one in a series called THE MUNDANE MONTH OF BLOGGING™. For those of you who are scratching your head right now and saying to yourselves, "What the fuck is he trying to prove?", Click Here, Pilgrim)