So I put in my latest request for time off today. It's going to be in about 9 weeks, and I took my last vacation about a month ago, but I wanted to get it in early to make sure I got the days off that I wanted. For starters, my co-workers need to cover me for the shit I do while I'm gone, and vice-versa, so I needed to put in for the week that was best for me. And besides, I'm always working around holidays when other people want to take their own breaks, so it works out for all involved.
I also prefer to get my requests in early because I am old and senile and tend to forget to do shit a lot nowadays. Case in point: I got home today, took a phone call from somebody I had not spoken to in a month or so, blabbed for about an hour, got on the treadmill, and after all that... suddenly remembered that I had forgotten to send out a report that I usually email out at the end of the day.

Fortunately, it wasn't that big of a deal, as I only had to walk a short distance back to work and send the already completed report out. If I were one of those lucky blokes who get the option to telecommute as an option, I could have done it from home, but although I have remote email, I don't have the file available from my home PC. Ah well, at least nobody tried to contact me to let me know that they were waiting for it, so they probably didn't really give a shit about it anyway.
(IMPORTANT NOTE OF GUIDANCE: This post is but one in a series called THE MUNDANE MONTH OF BLOGGING™. For those of you who are scratching your head right now and saying to yourselves, "What the fuck is he trying to prove?", Click Here, Pilgrim)