You know, sometimes I think that I have too many shoes, and then I realize that I'm thinking that way because I only have two feet.
I tend to favor comfortable shoes as I get older that seem to expand in size as the years go by. I could have sworn that I had once upon a time been able to fit in size tens, but now I can't seem to be happy with anything other than a size eleven or at least ten and a half. I probably liked going to thrift stores more often back in the time and saw size tens that looked cool and figured that even if my feet got fucked up, at least I was stylin'.

Airwalks tend to be my favorite of late, even though I don't skate. I just like the combination of the comfortable fit and the lower price. They do tend to be flat soled, however, and flat soles will tend to fuck up my heels and arches if I walk too much in them.

For example, as much as I love my black Converse All Stars, when I wore my "Chucks" to San Francisco for three days, where I tend to hike around the (very hilly) city a lot, my feet paid the price dearly. My blisters developed blisters and my dogs were in some considerable pain for at least a couple of days after I returned home.

What I really should have worn to S.F. were a pair of my New Balance cross trainers, as those are the shit. I have a pair that I use for my weekly round-the-park walks and if I'm going by foot on errands and such. I have another pair of the exact same type (608) that I only wear indoors for the treadmill, and I've had those for close to four years now, and because I only use them on the rubberized track surface, they are still seemingly close to new. I must say from personal experience that NBs tend to last longer than any brands I've bought lately, and I even have an old pair of walking shoes that I still use to take out the trash and go on short walks around the corner to the store when I need to.
I don't have too many dressy shoes anymore, at least none that I wear too often. Dress shoes tend to be the ones that fuck up my feet the most so I tend to avoid them nowadays. I also have a pair of what you may call "dress sneakers", a pair of Reebok Classics that I haven't even worn outdoors for a single day yet. Ah, well, sooner or later I may get to wear them for some special occasion, like maybe if I'm hanging out with Scarlett at an Obama rally or some shit like that.

(IMPORTANT NOTE OF GUIDANCE: This post is but one in a series called THE MUNDANE MONTH OF BLOGGING™. For those of you who are scratching your head right now and saying to yourselves, "What the fuck is he trying to prove?", Click Here, Pilgrim)