24 years ago today, I arrived in Sacramento and, except for several weeks out of state, I have never left.
I've lived mostly in Midtown, but have also lived in Oak Park, Colonial Heights and even a short time in Del Paso Heights. I've lived in apartments, houses, a trailer, SROs, in Capitol Park, by the big ol' tree at 18th and Capitol and under hedges by 21st and Capitol. I've seen this city move up from a one horse hick town to, well, more people, more buildings and one more horse. Oh, and much better pizza than in 1984.
I celebrated my milestone tonight by laying down a keyboard track. Hey, you celebrate stuff your way and I'll do it my way.

(IMPORTANT NOTE OF GUIDANCE: This post is but one in a series called THE MUNDANE MONTH OF BLOGGING™. For those of you who are scratching your head right now and saying to yourselves, "What the fuck is he trying to prove?", Click Here, Pilgrim)