Today is Sunday, and the weather's warm, which means that I'm shaving today. Usually, unless there's something special or formal of which I feel the need to shave for, I usually only go for it once a week. I mean, usually during the week, the most important thing that I'm doing is working, so why bother otherwise?

I'm one of those guys who you'll see out and about around Sacramento with a shaved head, so my needs for equipment tend to be a bit more sophisticated than folks who just run a razor over their faces alone. I need a decent electric shaver, and I also need blades that are in good shape, because otherwise I'll have patches of stubble and fucked up burn marks in a lot of parts of my scalp. I brush all of the inner parts of my shaver out very meticulously, and as a result I tend to save a lot of wear and tear on my blades, not really needing to replace them but for every other year or so.

After a good thorough go-over with the shaver, I coat a decent amount of aloe vera on my head and other affected areas and I'm good to go. Luckily, a lot of my hair has fallen out and what's left is very soft because I only need to dump the whisker catch into the toilet and flush it away. If it can handle big ol' shits that people take, obviously it would have no problem with pulverized hair particles.

(IMPORTANT NOTE OF GUIDANCE: This post is but one in a series called THE MUNDANE MONTH OF BLOGGING™. For those of you who are scratching your head right now and saying to yourselves, "What the fuck is he trying to prove?", Click Here, Pilgrim)