Summer colds. They totally suck.
Well, actually I'm not sure if it's a cold, or my allergies (which don't really have a seasonal schedule) acting up again. I tend to get messed up more on molds than pollen and grasses, it seems, and it has been kind of moist and humid in the past day or so. Nah, I think I got fucked up with some kind of little bug.
I got through work okay and went straight home. So, do you think I just crawled in under the covers and watched cartoons or Oprah or something? Nah, I didn't do any of that shit. I got on the treadmill, mostly because I am completely out of my fuckin' mind.

In reality, exercise like that somehow sweats and works off my illness. I wasn't one hundred percent better afterwards, of course, but I felt like I had shaken something off somehow. Don't get me wrong. When I truly am fucked up to the point of a serious flu or something, I usually tend to become bedridden but even then I'll show up at work. Not like I'm dedicated or anything, I just have an 11 year streak going without a single sick day. Once, I showed up with really bad food poisoning, but I still managed to report for duty and get through 3 hours before getting sent home.
After the workout and dinner, I had a minor headache coming on (probably because the antihistamine I took earlier dried up all of the snot and my upper sinuses were now dry and inflamed). But a couple of ibuprofen, along with a half hour minimum of Telecaster therapy followed an ample dose of dark chocolate seemed to take care of that for the night. I believe like some folks out there that in most cases of minor maladies, the time honored folk remedies tend to work the best.
(IMPORTANT NOTE OF GUIDANCE: This post is but one in a series called THE MUNDANE MONTH OF BLOGGING™. For those of you who are scratching your head right now and saying to yourselves, "What the fuck is he trying to prove?", Click Here, Pilgrim)